Web 2.0 Tools that I would add to the list:
Quizlet: Quizlet is by far my favorite tool for students to create and study their notes.
Pearltrees: It's a fun way to organize your bookmarks and see what everyone else is bookmarking.
Wikispaces: This can be an awesome tool for students and teachers. Here is the greatest link for examples of educational wikis. Educationalwikis.
Twitter: Twitter is by far the best Professional Learning Network tool ever. This is the place to find the Web 2.0 tools you need in your classroom. You can also incorporate hastags into your lessons, so students can discuss topics and share resources.
Edmodo: I know edmodo is a learning mangagement system, but I had to put it on the list because it's awesome. I predict that edmodo will become the standard for LMS. It is also an amazing place to network with other educators and share ideas.